Remote Storage

In Enterprise Edition you can not only store files on a hard drive, but also connect Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud or any S3 compatible storage (i.e. AWS S3).

You can upload files from your PC to connected cloud storage or use already uploaded files from cloud storage as a source (without duplicating it).

How we store files

Supervisely uses DATA_PATH from .env (defaults to /supervisely/data) to keep caches, database and etc. But we are interested in storage subfolder generated content, like uploaded images or neural networks are stored.

You can find two subfolders here:

  • <something>-public/

  • <something>-private/

That's because we maintain the same structure in local storage as if you would use a remote storage. In that case those two folders are buckets or containers. You may notice that one has "public" in it's name, but it only reflects the kind of data we store in it. Both buckets are private and does not provide anonymous read.

Configure Supervisely to use S3 compatible storage (Amazon S3, Minio)

This section describes how to configure Supervisely to store its data on a cloud storage rather than on a hard drive. This won't allow you to use existing images and videos on your cloud. If you need to use existing images and videos, please check the section below.

Edit .env configuration file - you can find it by running supervisely where command.

Change STORAGE_PROVIDER from http (local hard drive) to minio (S3 storage backend).

Also, you need to provide STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY and STORAGE_SECRET_KEY credentials along with endpoint of your S3 storage.

For example, here are settings for Amazon S3:



So in the end, here is how your .env settings could look like:


Execute sudo supervisely up -d to apply the new settings.

If you're working with large files (4GB+) you might also want to add permission for "s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads" at the bucket level, so Supervisely can initiate multipart uploads for larger artifacts.

Configure Supervisely to use Azure Blob Storage

This section describes how to configure Supervisely to store its data on a cloud storage rather than on a hard drive. This won't allow you to use existing images and videos on your cloud. If you need to use existing images and videos, please check the section below.

Edit .env configuration file - you can find it by running supervisely where command.

Change STORAGE_PROVIDER from http (local hard drive) to azure (Azure storage backend).

Also, you need to provide STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY (your storage account name) and STORAGE_SECRET_KEY (secret key) credentials along with endpoint of your blob storage.

Here is how your .env settings could look like:

STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY=<account name>
STORAGE_ENDPOINT=https://<account name>
STORAGE_SECRET_KEY=<secret key 88 chars long or so: aflmg+wg23fWA+6gAafWmgF4a>

Execute sudo supervisely up -d to apply the new settings

Configure Supervisely to use Google Cloud Storage

This section describes how to configure Supervisely to store its data on a cloud storage rather than on a hard drive. This won't allow you to use existing images and videos on your cloud. If you need to use existing images and videos, please check the section below.

Edit .env configuration file - you can find it by running supervisely where command.

Change STORAGE_PROVIDER from http (local hard drive) to google (GCS backend).

Also, you need to provide STORAGE_CREDENTIALS_PATH credentials file generated by Google.

Here is how your .env settings could look like:


Now create docker-compose.override.yml under cd $(sudo supervisely where):

    - <path to the secret file>:/gcs.json:ro

Execute sudo supervisely up -d to apply the new settings

Migration from local storage

Now, copy your current storage to an S3. As we mentioned before, because we maintain the same structure in local filesystem, copying will be enough.

We suggest to use minio/mc to copy the files.

Run minio/mc docker image and execute the following commands:

mc config host add s3 <YOUR-ACCESS-KEY> <YOUR-SECRET-KEY>
mc cp <DATA_STORAGE_FROM_HOST>/<your-buckets-prefix>-public s3/<your-buckets-prefix>-public/
mc cp <DATA_STORAGE_FROM_HOST>/<your-buckets-prefix>-private s3/<your-buckets-prefix>-private/

Finally, restart services to apply new configuration: supervisely up -d.

Keys from IAM Role

If you want to use IAM Role you must specify STORAGE_IAM_ROLE=<role_name> in .env file then STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY and STORAGE_SECRET_KEY variables can be ommited.

IAM Roles are only supported for AWS S3.

Frontend caching

Since AWS and Azure can be quite price in case of heavy reads, we enable image caching by default.

If the image is not in the preview cache but in the STORAGE cache it will be generated and put into previews cache, but it will not be fetched from the remote server.

Here are the default values (you can alter them via docker-compose.override.yml file):


If you already have some files on Amazon S3/Google Cloud Storage/Azure Storage and you don't want to upload and store those files in Supervisely, you can use the "Links" plugin to link the files to Supervisely server.

Instead of uploading actual files (i.e. images), you will need to upload .txt file(s) that contains a list of URLs to your files. If your URLs are publicly available (i.e. link looks like and you can open it in your web browser directly), then you can stop reading and start uploading.

If your files are protected, however, you will need to provide credentials in the instance settings or manually create configuration file.

Azure SAS Token minimal permissions

File system provider

  • Folder path on the server - path to folder on the host server that will be mounted

  • Storage ID (bucket) - mouted folder identifyer. It will be used in links to mounted folder

For instance, for the example above, when you want to add a new assets (image or video) with local path on your hard drive /data/datasets/persons/image1.jpg, use the following format in API, SDK or corresponding application: fs://local-datasets/persons/image1.jpg

Manual configuration

If you are brave enough, you can create configuration files manually:

Example configuration file:

# amazon s3 example
  provider: minio
  access_key: <your access key>
  secret_key: <your secret key>
  # iam_role: <or just use your iam role>
  region: eu-central-1
  # array of buckets
  - cars_2020_20_10
  - cars_2020_10_10

# azure storage example
  provider: azure
  endpoint: https://<account name>
  access_key: <account name>
  secret_key: <secret key 88 chars long or so: aflmg+wg23fWA+6gAafWmgF4a>
  secret_key: or you can also use SAS token here: ?sv=2019-12-12&ss=bfqt&srt=sco&sp=rwdlacupx&se=2020-10-10T00:00:00Z&st=2020-10-10T00:00:00Z&spr=https&sig=...
  # array of buckets
  - boats_bucket_2020_20_10
  - another_boats_bucket_2020_10_10

# google cloud storage example
  provider: google
  credentials_path: <path to the secret file inside the container>
  # array of buckets
  - planes_bucket_2020_20_10
  - another_planes_bucket_2020_10_10

Links file structure:

<provider name>://<bucket name>/<object name>

Links file example:


Create a new file docker-compose.override.yml under cd $(sudo supervisely where):

    - <path to the configuration file>:/remote_links.yml:ro

Then execute the following to apply the changes:

sudo supervisely up -d http-storage

Google Cloud Storage secret file example, docker-compose.override.yml:

    - <path to the secret file>:/secret_planes.json:ro

Migrating existing projects to Cloud Storage

If you want to migrate only some of the projects that exist in the Supervisely storage to the linked cloud, you can achieve this using the following code snippet.

The code snippet:

  • Is designed to change links only for entities that are not linked yet, it means they are stored in Supervisely storage.

  • Will change links only when all entities are uploaded to remote storage.

  • Can be run again in case of failure. Will not re-upload entities that are already uploaded to remote storage.

  • Save nested datasets in remote storage as a flat structure. All datasets will be placed in the project directory.

  • Will not delete entities from Supervisely storage after migration.

Function to use in your code: migrate_project(project: Union[sly.ProjectInfo, int])

Remember to configure the REMOTE_BUCKET and MIGRATION_DIR constants in the code snippet before use.

Click to see the code snippet

import asyncio
import os
from typing import Union

import aiohttp
from aiohttp import FormData
from tenacity import before_sleep_log, retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_exponential
from tqdm import tqdm

import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.api.api import ApiField
from supervisely.api.image_api import ImageApi
from import VideoApi

# -------------------------------- Global Variables For Migration -------------------------------- #

entity_api = None
download_api_url = None
entities_map = {}

api = sly.Api.from_env()

# ------------------------------------ Constants For Migration ----------------------------------- #

REMOTE_BUCKET = "s3://migration-bucket/"  # TODO Change to your remote storage bucket
MIGRATION_DIR = "projects-migration-storage"  # TODO Change to your remote storage directory
IMAGES_DIR = os.path.join(REMOTE_BUCKET, MIGRATION_DIR, str(sly.ProjectType.IMAGES))
VIDEOS_DIR = os.path.join(REMOTE_BUCKET, MIGRATION_DIR, str(sly.ProjectType.VIDEOS))
IMAGES_DOWNLOAD_API_URL = api.api_server_address + "/v3/" + ""
VIDEOS_DOWNLOAD_API_URL = api.api_server_address + "/v3/" + ""
REMOTE_STORAGE_UPLOAD_API_URL = api.api_server_address + "/v3/" + "remote-storage.upload"

# ----------------------------- Asynchronous Functions For Migration ----------------------------- #

    wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=2, min=2, max=60),
    before_sleep=before_sleep_log(sly.logger, sly.logger.level),
async def process_entity(
    download_api_url: str,
    entity_id: int,
    info: dict,
    progress_on: bool,
    total_progress: tqdm,
    """This function is used in `upload_entity` to wrap the process of downloading and uploading entities with retries."""
    global api

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with
            url=download_api_url, data={ApiField.ID: entity_id}, headers=api.headers
        ) as response:

            form = FormData()
            form.add_field("path", info["remote"])

            total_size = int(response.headers.get("Content-Length", 0))
            if progress_on:
                progress = tqdm(total=total_size, unit="B", unit_scale=True, desc=info["name"])

            async def file_gen():
                """This function generates chunks of entity to upload to remote storage."""
                async for chunk in response.content.iter_chunked(8192):
                    yield chunk
                    if progress_on:


            async with
                url=REMOTE_STORAGE_UPLOAD_API_URL, data=form, headers=api.headers
            ) as post_response:
                if progress_on:
                if total_progress:
                return await post_response.text()

async def upload_entity(
    download_api_url: str,
    entity_id: int,
    info: dict,
    semaphore: asyncio.Semaphore,
    total_progress: tqdm = None,
    progress_on: bool = False,
    This function downloads entity from Supervisely storage as a stream
    without saving it to disk and uploads it to remote storage as a stream.
    All operations are done asynchronously in memory by chunks.

    :param download_api_url: URL to download entity from Supervisely storage via API
    :type download_api_url: str
    :param entity_id: ID of the entity to download
    :type entity_id: int
    :param info: Information about entity collected during the preparation. Contains name, mime, remote path.
    :type info: dict
    :param semaphore: Semaphore to limit the number of concurrent downloads/uploads
    :type semaphore: asyncio.Semaphore
    :param total_progress: Progress bar to track the total progress of migration
    :type total_progress: tqdm
    :param progress_on: Flag to enable progress bar for the current entity. Don't use it if entity has a small size in megabytes < 100.
    :type progress_on: bool
    :return None
    async with semaphore:
            loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
                remote_info = await loop.run_in_executor(
                    None, entity_api._api.remote_storage.get_file_info_by_path, info["remote"]
                if remote_info.get("size") == info.get("size"):
                        f"Entity already exists in remote storage: {info.get('remote')}"
                    if total_progress:
                    return None
            except Exception:
                    f"Entity does not exist in remote storage: {info.get('remote')}. Will be uploaded"

            response = await process_entity(
                download_api_url, entity_id, info, progress_on, total_progress

            remote_info = await loop.run_in_executor(
                None, entity_api._api.remote_storage.get_file_info_by_path, info["remote"]

            if remote_info.get("size") == info.get("size"):
                sly.logger.debug(f"Entity uploaded successfully to: {info.get('remote')}")
                return response
                    f"Entity with ID - {entity_id}, name - {info.get('name')} was not uploaded successfully. "
                    "Restart this process after completing the migration of other entities to try fix the issue."
                return None

        except Exception as e:
                f"Failed to process entity with ID - {entity_id}, name - {info.get('name')}. "
                f"Will be skipped from migration due to the error: {e}"
            return None

async def upload():
    This function uploads entities to remote storage in parallel.
    The number of concurrent uploads is limited by the semaphore as 10.
    Don't adjust the semaphore value if you are not sure about the performance of instance.
    semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(10)
    tasks = []
    total_tasks = len(entities_map)

    with tqdm(total=total_tasks, desc="Uploading entities to remote storage") as total_progress:
        for e_id, info in entities_map.items():
            tasks.append(upload_entity(download_api_url, e_id, info, semaphore, total_progress))

        await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

    wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=2, max=60),
    before_sleep=before_sleep_log(sly.logger, sly.logger.level),
def set_remote_with_retries(entity_api: Union[ImageApi, VideoApi], e_list: list, r_list: list):
    response = entity_api.set_remote(e_list, r_list)
    if not response.get("success"):
        raise Exception(f"Failed to set remote links for entities: {e_list}")
    return response

def migrate_project(project: Union[sly.ProjectInfo, int]):
    This main function migrates entities of the project to remote storage. 
    :param project: Project ID or ProjectInfo object 
    :type project: Union[sly.ProjectInfo, int]
    global api, entity_api, download_api_url, entities_map
    # -------------------------------- Collecting Entities Information ------------------------------- #
    if isinstance(project, int):
        project_info = api.project.get_info_by_id(project)
    elif isinstance(project, sly.ProjectInfo):
        project_info = project
        raise ValueError("Unsupported project reference of type: {}".format(type(project)))

    if project_info.type == str(sly.ProjectType.IMAGES):
        entity_api = api.image
        download_api_url = IMAGES_DOWNLOAD_API_URL
    elif project_info.type == str(sly.ProjectType.VIDEOS):
        entity_api =
        download_api_url = VIDEOS_DOWNLOAD_API_URL
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported project type: {project_info.type}")
    if not entities_map:
        for dataset in api.dataset.get_list(, recursive=True):
            for entity_info in entity_api.get_list(
                if is not None:
                entities_map[] = {}
                entities_map[]["name"] =

                if project_info.type == str(sly.ProjectType.IMAGES):
                    entities_map[]["mime"] = entity_info.mime
                    entities_map[]["size"] = entity_info.size
                    entities_map[]["remote"] = os.path.join(
                        IMAGES_DIR, str(, str(,
                elif project_info.type == str(sly.ProjectType.VIDEOS):
                    entities_map[]["mime"] = entity_info.file_meta["mime"]
                    entities_map[]["size"] = int(entity_info.file_meta["size"])
                    entities_map[]["remote"] = os.path.join(
                        VIDEOS_DIR, str(, str(,

    # --------------------------------- Uploading Entities To Remote --------------------------------- #

    if entities_map:

        # ----------------------------- Setting Remote Links For Entities ---------------------------- #

        entity_list = [int(entity_id) for entity_id in entities_map.keys()]
        remote_links_list = [entities_map[e_id]["remote"] for e_id in entity_list]

        for e_list, r_list in zip(
            sly.batched(entity_list, batch_size=1000),
            sly.batched(remote_links_list, batch_size=1000),
            set_remote_with_retries(entity_api, e_list, r_list)
            f"Entities have been migrated to remote storage for project: [{}] {}"
            f"No entities to migrate for project: [{}] {}"

If you need to keep the nested dataset structure in remote storage

You can modify the script to create nested directories in the remote storage. To do this, you need to change the remote path of the entity to include the dataset name. For that, you can replace api.dataset.get_tree(...) with api.dataset.get_list(...) and iterate over the tree. Then, you can modify the remote path of the entity to include the nested dataset ID.

If you have already uploaded entities to remote storage

You will be able just set remote links for them. There are two ways:

  1. To create your own entities_map, that corresponds to the structure used in code above and redefine in section Global Variables

  2. To use SDK API methods with the lists of entity IDs and remote links:

    • ImageApi(...).set_remote(...)

    • VideoApi(...).set_remote(...) For better performance, you can use the function sly.batched to split the list of entities and remote links into batches. It is recommended to create batches not more than 1000 items per batch.

Last updated