Explore the topics to get detailed information and solutions for common queries. If you have any other questions, please don't be afraid to contact our support team.

Is Supervisely free?

Supervisely offers a free Community plan with certain limitations, which is ideal for open-source projects, individuals, ML researchers and small teams. For more or full access to advanced features or to work on a commercial project, you can upgrade to a paid edition. Detailed information on the differences between plans, pricing, limitations and features can be found on our Pricing page.

If you are interested in a self-hosted or cloud solution for company with custom requirements of any size and with no limitations, please contact us.

Who has rights to the data?

Your data is yours.

We respect your privacy and when you create an account you don't grant us any rights to your data, except for the ones that needs for the application functioning. We don't use your data for any commercial or non-commercial purposes and share it with nobody. Supervisely uses industry-standard encryption to protect data at rest. You can learn more in the terms of service.

Do you have an on-premises version?

We do! Drop us an email at hello@supervisely.com or fill the form here.

What does “Supervisely” mean?

The name Supervisely comes from machine learning term supervised learning — when we use a known dataset (called the training dataset) to make predictions. And, well, Supervisely is all about datasets and using them to build models.

Origins of Supervisely

It's not unusual when internal tools become public projects. Supervisely was first developed as a solution to deal with everyday task of large datasets annotation. We hope that you will like Supervisely as much as we do and it'll become your favourite tool too 🎉.

How can I get started with Supervisely?

Getting started with Supervisely is easy! You can sign up for a free account on our website and check out our comprehensive video tutorials, blog post guides, and documentation to get you started quickly and easily annotating your data.

What types of data can be annotated using Supervisely?

Supervisely supports a variety of data types including images, videos, point clouds, point cloud episodes and DICOM. For more detailed information on supported data formats, please refer to our How to import section.

What are the system requirements for using Supervisely?

Supervisely can be accessed via any modern web browser. However, for optimal performance, we recommend using Google Chrome. For those using the on-premises version, specific hardware and software requirements can be found in the Installation guide.

Can Supervisely integrate with other tools and platforms?

Yes, Supervisely offers integrations with various tools and platforms, including cloud storage services like AWS and Google Cloud, as well as popular machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch. You can also use our API to integrate Supervisely with your own systems.

How can I import/export data in Supervisely?

Supervisely allows you to easily import data in various formats such as COCO, Pascal VOC, Cityscapes and more. Exporting your annotated data is also easy and supports formats compatible with many machine learning frameworks. You can also customize the export settings to include specific metadata or annotation details as needed. Detailed guides for importing and exporting data are available in our documentation.

Can I automate annotations in Supervisely?

Yes, Supervisely supports several automation tools including AI-assisted labeling and model training directly in the platform. You can use pre-trained models or upload your own to automate the annotation process.

How often is Supervisely updated with new features?

We are always working to improve Supervisely and regularly release updates with new features, applications, improvements and bug fixes. You can keep up with the latest updates by reading our blog or subscribing to our newsletter.

What types of annotation tools does Supervisely offer?

Supervisely provides a variety of annotation tools tailored for different data types, including bounding boxes, polygons, points, lines, masks and keypoints. Additionally, there are specialized tools for video frame annotation, 3D point cloud labeling and more.

How does Supervisely help me collaborate?

Supervisely provides powerful collaboration features, including teams, shared workspaces, project sharing, role-based access control, and tools for quality assurance and data statistics. Team members can create labeling jobs, leave issues, make and review annotations, and track annotation updates in real time. The platform also supports versioning in the Pro and Enterprise editions, so you can track the history of annotations made to your data. For more information, see our Collaboration section.

Can I train machine learning models directly in Supervisely?

Supervisely provides built-in machine learning tools that allow you to train models directly on the platform. You can use our predefined models or bring in your own to fine-tune on your annotated datasets. In addition, the platform supports evaluation metrics and visualization tools to help you assess model performance.

Is there a community or support forum for Supervisely users?

Yes, we have an active community Slack chat where users can ask questions, share insights and get help from other users and the Supervisely team. You can join the chat through our website or directly here.

What is the process for reporting bugs or requesting new features in Supervisely?

Users can report bugs or request new features through our support channel support@supervisely.com or our community Slack chat. We prioritize these reports based on their impact and relevance to our user base.

Last updated

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