
Understanding your data's characteristics is a key aspect of data analysis and preparation. The "Statistics" section provides tools for data analysis, computation of statistical metrics, and data visualization. We also offer a specialized data analysis application, making the process more intuitive and informative.

Example apps:

  • Classes stats for images. Data Exploration for Segmentation and Detection tasks is underestimated by many researchers. The accuracy of your models highly depends on how good you understand data.

    This app "Classes Stats for Images" generates report with detailed general and per image statistics for all classes in images project. It allows to see big picture as well as shed light on hidden patterns and edge cases

  • Labeling Jobs Stats. Report provides both high-level and detailed statistics for all labeling jobs in a team.

  • Object Size Stats. Data Exploration Tools provide deep understanding of your data and are crucial for building high quality models (better you understand data, more accurate models are).

    This app generates report with detailed statistics for objects (Bitmap / Rectangle / Polygon, objects of other shapes are ignored) in images project. It allows to see big picture as well as shed light on hidden patterns and edge cases

  • Labeling Events Stats. Supervisely stores full activity log almost for every action. This app uses activity log to restore all labeeling actions in team (table can be huge) and performs some basic aggregations shown on the screenshot below. All tables can be sorted by any column.

  • Project 3D statistics. Application generates report with detailed general and per pointcloud statistics for all classes in pointcloud and episodes project.

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