.PCD, .PLY, .LAS, .LAZ pointclouds


This option allows you to upload point clouds to the platform without any annotations. All items from the input directory and its subdirectories will be uploaded to a single dataset. If you need to preserve the directory structure, you can use the Import Pointclouds PCD application from the Supervisely Ecosystem.

Format description

Supported image formats: .pcd, .ply, .las, .laz. With annotations: No Supported annotation format: Not applicable. Grouped by: Any structure (will be uploaded to a single dataset).

Input files structure

Example data: download ⬇️

Recommended directory structure:

┣ 📦item_01.pcd
┣ 📦item_02.pcd
┣ 📦item_03.pcd
┣ 📦item_04.pcd
┣ 📦item_05.pcd
┣ 📦item_06.pcd
┣ 📦item_07.pcd
┣ 📦item_08.pcd
┣ 📦item_09.pcd
┗ 📦item_10.pcd

Last updated